The Justice System

official source:webpdf (page 36-37)
Question 1 of 19
Who appoints the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada?
a. The Governor General.
b. The Prime Minister.
c. Other judges.
d. The people.
Question 2 of 19
What is the trial court sometimes called?
a. The Civil Court
b. The Court of Queen's (or King 's) Bench.
c. The Small Claims Court
d. The Supreme Court
Question 3 of 19
What forms a jury?
a. Politicians.
b. Immigrants.
c. Judges.
d. A jury is made up of citizens.
Question 4 of 19
In the Canadian justice system, what are the roles of the courts and the police?
a. The courts make laws and the police enforce them.
b. The courts enforce federal laws and the police enforce provincial laws.
c. The courts enforce laws and the police settle disputes.
d. The courts settle disputes and the police enforce the laws.
Question 5 of 19
In Canada's justice system, what does "presumption of innocence" mean?
a. The Prime Minister can determine who is innocent in a court.
b. Everybody is guilty until proven innocent.
c. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
d. The judge can determine who is guilty without evidence.
Question 6 of 19
If you cannot pay for a lawyer, how can you get legal help?
a. Borrow money from the government and pay for the lawyer.
b. Go to legal aid services in most communities.
c. Apply for financial aid from the government to pay for legal fees.
d. Do not go to a court.
Question 7 of 19
What is the primary role of the police in Canada?
a. To resolve disputes and interpret law
b. To keep people safe and to enforce the law
c. To provide national security intelligence to the government
d. To conduct or support land warfare, peacekeeping, or humanitarian missions
Question 8 of 19
Who out of the following is above the law in Canada?
a. Judges
b. Police
c. No one
d. Politicians
Question 9 of 19
Under Canadian law, why is every person presumed to be innocent until proven guilty?
a. No person or group is above the law.
b. Men and women are equal under the law.
c. Freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression
d. To guarantee the due legal process under the law
Question 10 of 19
What is a part of our heritage under the Canadian legal system?
a. All answers correct
b. Freedom under law
c. Democratic principles and due process
d. Rule of law
Question 11 of 19
Which of the following is the highest court of Canada?
a. A Provincial Court
b. The Small Claims Courts
c. The Supreme Court
d. The Federal Court
Question 12 of 19
What does the blindfolded Lady Justice symbolize?
a. Blind to all considerations other than facts
b. The government must respect all of the legal rights a person is entitled to under the law.
c. Our judicial system is founded on the presumption of innocence in criminal matters.
d. None of these
Question 13 of 19
What is a "Due process"?
a. The government must respect all of the legal rights a person is entitled to under the law.
b. The rule of law and freedom under the law
c. The impartial manner in which the laws are administered
d. None of these
Question 14 of 19
What is the other name for a trial court?
a. The Court of Queen’s Bench
b. The Federal Court
c. The Provincial Court
d. The Small Claims Courts
Question 15 of 19
Who out of the following can help you with legal problems?
a. Politicians
b. Lawyers
c. Members of Parliament
d. The police
Question 16 of 19
How many judges serve in the Supreme Court of Canada?
a. 7
b. 9
c. 10
d. 5
Question 17 of 19
Which courts are for civil cases involving small sums of money?
a. The Small Claims Courts
b. A Trial Court
c. A provincial court
d. The Federal Court
Question 18 of 19
Who can disobey the law?
a. The Prime Minister
b. The Queen (or King)
c. The premier
d. No one
Question 19 of 19
In Canada, are you allowed to question the police about their service or conduct?
a. Yes
b. No
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