Modern Canada

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Trade and Economic Growth

Postwar Canada experienced record prosperity and economic progress.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), now the WTO, helped open up restrictive trading policies.
Discovery of oil in Alberta in 1947 started Canada’s modern energy industry.
Between 1945 and 1970, Canada had one of the strongest economies among industrialized nations.
The Canada Health Act ensures a basic standard of health coverage across the country.
Social programs like employment insurance (1940) and Canada Pension Plan (1965) were introduced.

International Engagement

Canada was a founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and NORAD.
Canada participated in the UN operation defending South Korea during the Korean War (1950–53).
Canada has taken part in UN peacekeeping missions in regions like Egypt, Cyprus, and Haiti.
Canadian forces were involved in international operations, including the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

Canada and Quebec

The Quiet Revolution in Quebec (1960s) led to rapid change and calls for separation.
The Official Languages Act (1969) guarantees French and English services in the federal government.
In 1980 and 1995, referendums to separate Quebec from Canada were defeated.
Quebec’s autonomy remains a dynamic topic in Canadian politics.

A Changing Society

In 1948, Japanese-Canadians gained the right to vote; Aboriginal peoples were granted the vote in 1960.
Canada welcomed refugees from Hungary (1956) and Vietnam (1975).
By the 1960s, one-third of Canadians had origins outside of British or French ancestry.
The idea of multiculturalism grew, emphasizing cultural diversity.

Arts and Culture in Canada

The Group of Seven (founded in 1920) captured Canada’s rugged wilderness in art.
Artists like Emily Carr depicted West Coast forests and Aboriginal artifacts.
Writers such as Margaret Laurence, Mordecai Richler, and Michael Ondaatje made significant contributions.
Cirque du Soleil is an internationally recognized Canadian performing arts company.

Sports and Achievements

Wayne Gretzky is regarded as one of the greatest hockey players.
Terry Fox began the Marathon of Hope to raise money for cancer research.
Canadian innovations include the Canadarm for space exploration and the discovery of insulin.
Canada’s achievements include Olympic successes, like Donovan Bailey’s sprinting records.
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