Responsibilities, rights, and more.
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Magna Carta (a.k.a. as the Great Charter of Freedoms)
• Freedom of conscience and religion • Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech and of the press • Freedom of peaceful assembly • Freedom of associationHabeas corpus
The right to challenge unlawful detention by the state, comes from English common law.The Canadian Charter of Rights
Fundamental freedoms while also setting out additional rights: • Mobility Rights • Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights • Official Language Rights • Minority Language Educational Rights • MulticulturalismCitizenship Responsibilities
• Obeying the law • Taking responsibility for oneself and one’s family • Serving on a jury • Voting in elections • Helping others in the community Protecting and enjoying our heritage and environmentThe Equality of Women and Men
In Canada, men and women are equal under the lawDefending Canada
There is no compulsory military service in Canada. However, serving in the regular Canadian Forces is a noble way to contribute to Canada